In this section you can see the video content that I've created for co2online - a Berlin-based climate NGO. I've been employed at co2online since 2022, and during this time have brought their video content forward to a completely new level, adjusting the look and feel to fit our company branding and create eye-catching and thought-provoking videos. I've created videos for both Meta formats and Youtube.
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Hi, I'm Tiiu! For the past 7 years I have been involved in the creative field, 3 of which I have worked as a designer at co2online - a small Berlin-based NGO. I started as a graphic designer, but quickly moved towards video and motion design.
By now, I've become the lead at our video creation, responsible for the filming, editing and motion graphics of almost every video we put out.
I have a background in painting and still pursue this as one of my biggest passions. I've graduated from the EAA (Estonian Art Academy) in 2018 with a degree in Fine Arts, and put out my first solo exhibition in 2020.
I'm currently open to new opportunities in Berlin or remote. Feel free to reach out!
I am experienced in creating video content for social media, from concepts, storyboarding and editing to motion graphics. Additionally, I offer graphic design services, like static social media posts, logo creation or publications. I use Adobe Suite for my work, and am proficient with After Effects, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, Photoshop and InDesign. You're welcome to get in touch with any questions regarding your project! I will be happy to help your ideas come to life.
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